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Firm steps for equality

Alejandra, Diego Mera, y Carlos

Nov 30, 2020

In this encounter, the students were surprised by the reality of inequality of the world.

For the III GTR, focused on GG 5: Gender Equality, the students ages 11-13 years generated proposals for target 5.6: "Approve and strengthen sound policies and applicable laws to promote gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels". During the Missions we were inspired by the social organization of elephant herds, from which we can learn and apply in our daily lives.

In this encounter, the students were surprised by the reality of inequality of the world. Before the training started, 85% of the students believed that inequality did not exist, and that all people had the same opportunities. Once the training ended they understood the different dynamics that make up inequality such as, access to education, labor inequality , gender violence, etc. To birth a more equal world, these are some of the students' proposals:


  • Amplify the availability of night education so that adults can complete their studies and become independent.

  • Create food support projects.

  • Manages spaces for free debate through through cinema, painting, and music.

  • Design a device that blocks people who post violent content and prevents them from reopening accounts; in addition to fining them or more severe consequences.

  • A system that denounces all types of violence against animals, nature, and civilians.


Gender equality, like so many other movements that seek peace, invites us to reflect on the way we live in a society and how our actions are contributing to a more just community. To close with a question that brought everything together: what values construct equality for all genders? Empathy, raising awareness, responsibility, nobility, sharing, and above all, the love for learning.

Thank you for joining us for a regenerative future that is equal for all genders!

Listen to the voice of the facilitators this experience:


Learning process

At the beginning

Of the students thought that gender inequality did not exist.

At the end

Of the students recognized various variables involved in equality.

Life skills

At the end

Of the students questioned the stereotypes associated with the idea of ā€‹ā€‹the 'better half' of the perfect woman/man.

Objetivo Global 5 : Igualdad de gƩnero

At the end

Of the students agreed that the best way to carry the message of equality is to encourage dialogue and create spaces of support.


"I take this opportunity to thank the week of exchange of experiences on an issue as important as gender equality and we hope you can continue to invite us to such beautiful activities."

ā€” Carlos, 14 aƱos, Guatemala

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